Monday, June 1, 2015

Starting at the Beginning

I must confess that when I think of texts about the Holy Spirit the book of Genesis doesn't come to mind. Yet that is exactly where Levison begins his book on the Holy Spirit and it works for me--it makes sense.

The first thing that he notes is that the Spirit brings order out of chaos. I like that. I don't like it when I feel like my life is in chaos, or my house is in chaos because it makes me feel out of control. On the other hand, as I read this, I was thinking of some manifestations of the Spirit I have read about where it almost seems that the moving of the Holy Spirit creates chaos. I'm thinking of Pentecost where the coming of the Holy Spirit certainly stirred things up. Maybe it is more accurate to say that where things become rigid or stagnate--our theology, faith, etc.--the Holy Spirit doesn't create chaos but shakes things up and it can feel chaotic. Any thoughts about this?

What do you think about Levison's observation that the first act of the Spirit in the bible is to "hover"? "When we first meet theSpirit, we encounter the majesty of  bird of prey plucking its young and carrying them to safety. The threat of chaos is simply no match for the eagle's presence." I have never thought of the Spirit in this way, but I found his metaphor of the Spirit like an eagle helpful.

I really liked his prayer...


  1. The imagery of the hovering eagle over the primal soup makes me focus on the futility of my own efforts to create order in my life. Imagine the bird in the nest trying to control the primal soup. I think at best, I should focus more on sensing His order of things and trying to immerse myself in that flow.

    I had to look up the word, 'pinion' as I initially thought it was another word for talon or claw. Pinions are the outer limits of the eagles feathers including the flight feathers - a much more comforting and loving image.

  2. Tim, I agree with your comment about "the futility of my own efforts to create order in my life." I like the idea of "sensing His order of things and truing to immerse myself in that flow." Thanks for sharing that.
