Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 27: "You are My Beloved Son"

The passage for today's devotion holds a special place for me. Many years ago I read a book written by Henri Nouwen, The Life of the Beloved, in which this was the central passage. In it, Nouwen is writing to a friend who is not a follower of Jesus but who has asked him to share something about the spiritual life. Nouwen writes,

"Our many conversations led me to the inner conviction that the words, 'You are my Beloved' revealed the most intimate truth about all human beings, whether they belong to any particular tradition or not....The greatest gift my friendship can give to you is the gift of your Belovedness. I can give that gift only insofar as I have claimed it fro myself. Isn't that what friendship is all about: giving to each other the gift of our Belovedness?"

As someone who was quite critical of himself, I found this book was so liberating. It helped me on my own journey of discipleship and a sense that God really did love me--I didn't have to earn God's love. So when I read today's devotion, that is the first thing that came to mind.

Levison notes the intimacy of these words as well: "How intimate these words are! But they aren't' just God's tender embrace. They're tough talk, too, that will shape every single moment from now on." If you know that you are truly loved, even cherished, then the tough assignments are easier to do, I think.

I like the way that Levison shows, though, that Jesus' belovedness led him to prayer, continuous prayer. His belovedness didn't short circuit his prayer life or cause him to take his Father's love for granted. It led him deeper into prayer.

Have you understood and accepted your belovedness in Jesus? Has it led you more deeply into prayer?

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